“Aerophysics and physical mechanics of classical and quantum systems”
Volume 7 presents scientific reports Russian workshop "Aerophysics and physical mechanics of classical and quantum systems» (AFM-2007), which was held on December 3-4, 2007 at the A.Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS in the following areas:
Aerophysics and physical Mechanics of Continuous Media
Elementary processes in Aerophysics and physical mechanics
The main outcome of the All-Russian workshop "Aerophysics and physical mechanics of classical and quantum systems" ("AFM-2007") was the exchange of information on new computer-oriented and contemporary theoretical approaches Aerophysics and physical mechanics that take into account the real properties of substances and energy transfer processes , momentum and mass until the atomic and molecular level descriptions. Merging into a single complex models of physical mechanics at different levels of description of processes and phenomena is the basis of an integrated approach to the problems Aerophysics and physical mechanics.
Integrated models are developed in modern physical mechanics in order to implement the interdisciplinary nature of the new directions in the field of high technology and improve the efficiency of basic and applied research and gas plasmodynamic processes, physico-chemical and radiative processes mechanics of nonequilibrium nonlinear media, as well as non-equilibrium processes in the physical mechanics of continuous deformable media. On integrated models of physical and chemical mechanics modern approaches based computational and theoretical research in the field of hypersonic flight vehicles Aerophysics new generation.
In the All-Russia workshop "AFM-2007" was attended by 65 representatives from 16 organizations in Russia, 19 undergraduate and graduate students of universities of Russia (Lomonosov Moscow State University. Bauman Moscow Technical Unversity, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Moscow State Technical University MIREA). During the workshop were presented 45 reports.
To be published in the electronic journal "Physical and chemical kinetics in gas dynamics" presents all items included in the Proceedings of the workshop. A minor part of the scientific work is not directly related to the problems of gas dynamics, which is oriented this journal. However, the editorial board considered it possible to include these works in a dedicated issue of the online journal, to give a comprehensive picture of its readers on the terms of the problems discussed, without separation of solid mechanics and mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma, thus reaffirming the importance of the development direction of Physics is the chemical kinetics in all areas of modern physical mechanics.