Особенности расчёта тепломассопереноса в пористых абляционных материалах малой плотности

Features of the Numerical Simulation of Heat and Mass Transfer in Low Density Porous Ablative Materials

The system of equation, describing heat and mass transfer in the ablative materials of low density, was selected on the basis of the data presented during last years at conferences “Ablation Workshop”. The validation of the mathematical model of considered physical processes and the verification of it’s software implementation are performed for the "virtual" material TACOT (Theoretical Ablative Composite for Open Testing). A set of 2D calculations was performed, which demonstrated the significance of taking into account the gas motion under the action of pressure gradients specified by boundary conditions and destruction of the material.

thermal protection, heat and mass transfer, destruction, ablation

Том 18, выпуск 2, 2017 год

На основе данных, представленных в последние годы на конференциях Ablation Workshop, выбрана система уравнений, описывающая перенос энергии и массы в абляционных материалах малой плотности. Валидация физико-математической модели и верификация её программной реализации проведено для «виртуального» материала TACOT (Theoretical Ablative Composite for Open Testing). Выполнен ряд 2D расчётов, показавших необходимость учёта движения газа под действием перепада давления, определяемого граничными условиями и деструкцией материала.

теплозащита, тепломассоперенос, деструкция, абляция.

Том 18, выпуск 2, 2017 год

1. Milos, F. and Chen, Y.-K., “Two-Dimensional Ablation, Thermal Response, and Sizing Program for Pyrolyzing Ablators,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 46, No. 6, Novenber-december 2009, pp. 1089–1099.
2. Milos, F. and Chen, Y.-K., “Ablation and Thermal Response Property Model Validation for Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 47, No. 5, September-October 2010, pp. 786–805.
3. Y.-K. Chen, F.S. Milos, Tahir Gӧkҫen Validation of a Three-Dimensional Ablation and Thermal Response Simulation Code, 10th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and eat Transfer Conference, 28 June - 1 July 2010, Chicago, Illinois, AIAA 2010-4645.
4. J. Lachaud, N.N. Mansour “Porous-Material Analysis Toolbox based on OpenFOAM and Applications”, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2014, pp. 191-202.
5. http://ablation2012.engineering.uky.edu/files/2012/02/TACOT_2.2.xls
6. Properties of the Theoretical Ablative Composite for Open Testing (TACOT). J. Lachaud, T. van Eekelen, A. Martin, D. Bianchi, I. Cozmuta, B. Laub, J. de Muelenaere, J. B. Scoggins, J.-M. Bouilly, J.-M. Dupillier, B. Blackwell, M. Howard. TACOT_v3.0.xls (http://www.jeanlachaud.com/research/).
7. J. Lachaud, A. Martin, T. van Eekelen, I. Cozmuta, Ablation test-case series #2, version 2.8, Jan. 2011, 8 p., 5th Ablation Workshop, Feb. 28-March 1, Lexington, Kentucky.
8. T. van Eekelen, A. Martin, J. Lachaud, D. Bianchi, Ablation test-case series #3, version 2.0, Feb, 2013, 19 p., 6th Ablation Workshop, April 10-11 2014, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
9. FlexPDE. User Guide. Ver. 5.0, 2005. PDE Solutions Inc.