HIGHTEMP technique of high temperature gas flows numerical simulation

A brief description of effective Navier-Stokes (NS) numerical technique for high temperature gas flows simulation (HIGHTEMP) is given. The NS codes have been developed for various gas-phase models from perfect gas to thermally and chemically nonequilibrium multicomponent and multitemperature gas medium. Slip effects, finite rate energy exchanges, surface catalysis and ablation can be taken into account in the wall boundary conditions. The software package HIGHTEMP involves codes for radiative heat transfer (RHT) computations. Several turbulence models for calculation of turbulent flows can be employed. For numerical integration of NS and RHT equations TVD type finite volume schemes are used. The solvers have been adopted for parallel high performance computing systems using MPI-technology. Some numerical results obtained with developed technique are presented.

Volume 4, 2006 year

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