The journal's editorial board follows the international rules for copyright protection, the existing legislation of the Russian Federation and the international publishing standards.
Article for publication in the electronic scientific journal "Physical and Chemical Kinetics in Gas Dynamics" is downloaded online on the websiteof the journal.
To enter the journal as an author, enter your e-mail in the field located on the main page of the site below the list of recently published articles. An email will be sent to the entered address with a link to enter the e-journal download section.
Instructions for Authors
The articles can be written either in English or in Russian.
The articles must be submitted in electronic form (doc, docx) following the template available on this link The articles must contain information about all authors (names, e-mails, organizations, lab addresses,…)
The articles should contain new results with a significant degree of novelty and have reached conclusive results a rigorous scientific approach.
It is not allowed to submit articles which already have been published or submitted to other journals.
Authors are responsible for the content of the article and the fact of its publication. The editorial staff is not liable for any damage caused by the publication of the article. If the publication of the article has caused a violation of someone's rights or standard norms of scientific ethics, the Editorial Board has the right to withdraw published article. The Editorial Board is required to notify thereof the author of taking off article
The article of authors working in the Russian Federation, must be accompanied by an act of the examination of the possibility of publication in the press
With the article submission to the journal "Physical-Chemical Kinetics in Gas Dynamics" , the authors implicitly agree with the publisher’s rules and consent for their article to be posted on the Internet.
Procedure for the acceptance of an article for peer-review and publication
The decision to publish or reject an article is made by the editorial board on the basis of a peer review process. The authors will be informed on the final decision by e-mail.
The peer review criteria are as follows:
Corresponds with the general themes of the journal
originality and importance of the results
quality of the presented material within the article
If the article needs to be modified after peer review, than the acceptance date of the article will be the final date, when all possible modifications has been made.
In case that the author refuses to follow the reviewers’ recommendations, he (or she) must write a letter with explanation stating their position. The letter will be forwarded to reviewer, who will either accept or refuse the explanation. Editorial board will make a final decision to either to accept or refuse.
Publication of the article is free of charge.
The Editorial Board during the editing process will be as follows:
verify that the entire manuscript corresponds with our journal template for publication and if necessary will return it to the author for correction,
correcting the scientific and language style,
approval of corrections by the author.
Reviews of articles accepted for publication stored in electronic archives of the journal. When editorial board receives the request from the Ministry of Education and Science, Editorial Board sends them a copy of the reviews. The originals are kept in the editorial board at least 5 years.
Basic requirements for papers
Articles submitted for publication in the journal, should be prepared as a single file in the format of either the Word document (* .docx) or Word 97-2003 document (*.doc).
The Editorial Board asks the authors to compose articles according to the following rules and instructions. Texts, which are issued with violations, won't be considered.
Every article should contain the following information:
Full name of the authors;
affiliation of each authors if any;
contact information (e-mail);
title of the article;
abstract (120 to 250 words, with no formulas and references there);
key words (no more than 5 words or phrases), each keyword or phrase is separated by a semicolon;
UDC codes;
area (s) of the journal, which includes your article.
References are placed at the end of the article. All references must be accompanied by the number of DOI (Digital object identifier) if any. The list of references are drawn up in order of citation in the article. Links to the sources cited in the text are given in the form of numbers corresponding to the job number in the list of references in square brackets. For example, [1], [1, 2], [1, 2-4].
References to unpublished works are not allowed.
In addition, authors must follow these rules:
Formulas numbering. Use sequential numbering of formulas, theorems, lemmas, corollaries, definitions, etc. The numbers are located on the right hand edge of the main text and enclosed in parentheses. It is desirable to enumerate all of the formulas, but it is permissible to number only the ones mentioned in the text. Explanation of symbols received in the formulas is performed in the order of their use in the formulas. The uses of Cyrillic letters in formulas are not permitted.
Diagrams, graphics, illustration etc . All pictures which are placed in the body of the article, the author can load them as separate files into the section "Data & Media.
Table. The word "Table N" (right-aligned) is written above the table . There must be references to all the tables in the text.
Multimedia. Multimedia files cannot be placed into the body of article. They can only be placed in the section "Data & Media", which can only be viewed on the journal's website. Format multimedia materials MP4. File size up to 100Mb.
A report presentation at the conference. Presentation must include the name of the conference, date and venue. The editors will accept presentations in format Adobe Acrobat Document (* .pdf). Presentations are located in the section"Data & Media".
Results. The author may post some additional results described in the article as a file Excel (* .xlsx) or Excel 97-2003 (* .xls), placed in the section "Data & Media".