Latent Heat Storage systems are one of the most promising concepts in storing energy using Phase Change Materials (PCMs). PCMs absorb or release heat at close to a constant temperature during its melting and solidification phases. They are preferred as thermal heat storage devices because of their high energy density ratio (energy to volume). The disadvantage of using PCM is due to its low thermal conductivity which leads to longer time and more surface area for charging and discharging of thermal energy. To overcome this problem, an attempt was made to use conventional finned heat pipe to improve the overall thermal conductivity of the PCM. An experimental setup was put in place to study the behavior of paraffin wax during charging a thermal energy tank with dimensions of (10 ∗ 10 ∗100 cm). The tank dimensions are based on simulation results obtained from ANSYS software. The data show good approximation between the analytical, simulation and experiment. Full melt after 4 hours with a surface temperature of (80 to 90℃). The data we have gathered can be used in different projects as a corner stone in building large latent heat storage system.
Thermal Energy Storage, Phase Change Materials, latent Heat, Heat Pipe.
Исследование влияния оребренной тепловой трубки на систему скрытой тепловой энергии
Системы хранения скрытого тепла являются одной из наиболее многообещающих концепций хранения энергии с использованием материалов с фазовым переходом (МФП). МФП поглощают или выделяют тепло при температуре, близкой к постоянной, во время фаз плавления и затвердевания. Они предпочтительны в качестве устройств хранения тепла из-за высокого соотношения плотности энергии (энергии к объему). Недостатком использования МФП является его низкая теплопроводность, что приводит к увеличению времени и площади поверхности для зарядки и разрядки тепловой энергии. Чтобы преодолеть эту проблему, была предпринята попытка использовать ребристую тепловую трубу для улучшения общей теплопроводности МФП. Была создана экспериментальная установка для изучения поведения парафина во время зарядки резервуара для тепловой энергии размерами (10*10*100 см). Размеры резервуара основаны на результатах моделирования, полученных с помощью программного обеспечения ANSYS. Полученные данные показывают хорошее приближение между результатами анализа, моделирования и эксперимента. Полностью расплавляется через 4 часа при температуре поверхности (от 80 до 90 ℃). Собранные нами данные могут быть использованы в различных проектах, например, для создания больших систем скрытого аккумулирования тепла
Накопитель тепловой энергии, Материалы с фазовым переходом, скрытая теплота, Тепловая труба
1. Agyenim F., Eames P., Smyth M. Experimental study on the melting and solidification behaviour of a medium temperature phase change storage material (Erythritol) system augmented with fins to power a LiBr/H2O absorption cooling system // Renewable Energy. 2011. № 1 (36). C. 108–117. 2. Boo J. H., Lee S. K., Kim J. K. Numerical analysis of a thermal storage system with inserted heat pipes for medium-high temperature range 2011.C. 217–222. 3. Bouadila S. [и др.]. Energy and exergy analysis of a new solar air heater with latent storage energy // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014. № 27 (39). C. 15266–15274. 4. Bouadila S. [и др.]. Experimental investigation on the thermal appraisal of heat pipe-evacuated tube collector-based water heating system integrated with PCM // Renewable Energy. 2022. (199). C. 382–394. 5. Foong C. W. [и др.]. Numerical Study of a High Temperature Latent Heat Storage (200-300 0 C) Using Eutectic Nitrate Salt of Sodium Nitrate and Potassium Nitrate 2010. 6. Güney T. Solar energy, governance and CO2 emissions // Renewable Energy. 2022. (184). C. 791–798. 7. Hamada Y., Ohtsu W., Fukai J. Thermal response in thermal energy storage material around heat transfer tubes: effect of additives on heat transfer rates // Solar Energy. 2003. № 4 (75). C. 317–328. 8. Horbaniuc B., Dumitrascu G., Popescu A. Mathematical models for the study of solidification within a longitudinally finned heat pipe latent heat thermal storage system // Energy Conversion and Management. 1999. № 15 (40). C. 1765–1774. 9. Kamkari B., Shokouhmand H. Experimental investigation of phase change material melting in rectangular enclosures with horizontal partial fins // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014. (78). C. 839–851. 10. Li G. [и др.]. Solar energy utilisation: Current status and roll-out potential // Applied Thermal Engineering. 2022. (209). C. 118285. 11. Liu Z., Wang Z., Ma C. An experimental study on heat transfer characteristics of heat pipe heat exchanger with latent heat storage. Part I: Charging only and discharging only modes // Energy Conversion and Management. 2006. № 7 (47). C. 944–966. 12. Liu Z., Wang Z., Ma C. An experimental study on the heat transfer characteristics of a heat pipe heat exchanger with latent heat storage. Part II: Simultaneous charging/discharging modes // Energy Conversion and Management. 2006. № 7 (47). C. 967–991. 13. Mahdavi M. [и др.]. Experimental study of the thermal characteristics of a heat pipe // Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2018. (93). C. 292–304. 14. Nithyanandam K., Pitchumani R. Computational Modeling of Latent Thermal Energy Storage System With Embedded Heat Pipes American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection, 2012.C. 369–376. 15. Sargunanathan S., Elango A., Mohideen S. T. Performance enhancement of solar photovoltaic cells using effective cooling methods: A review // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2016. (64). C. 382–393. 16. Sarı A., Karaipekli A. Thermal conductivity and latent heat thermal energy storage characteristics of paraffin/expanded graphite composite as phase change material // Applied Thermal Engineering. 2007. № 8 (27). C. 1271–1277. 17. Sopian K. [и др.]. Performance of a double pass photovoltaic thermal solar collector suitable for solar drying systems // Energy Conversion and Management. 2000. № 4 (41). C. 353–365. 18. Tiari S., Mahdavi M., Qiu S. Experimental study of a latent heat thermal energy storage system assisted by a heat pipe network // Energy Conversion and Management. 2017. (153). C. 362–373. 19. Tiari S., Qiu S. Three-dimensional simulation of high temperature latent heat thermal energy storage system assisted by finned heat pipes // Energy Conversion and Management. 2015. (105). C. 260–271. 20. Tiari S., Qiu S., Mahdavi M. Numerical study of finned heat pipe-assisted thermal energy storage system with high temperature phase change material // Energy Conversion and Management. 2015. (89). C. 833–842. 21. Ukrainczyk N., Kurajica S., Šipušić J. Thermophysical Comparison of Five Commercial Paraffin Waxes as Latent Heat Storage Materials // Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly. 2010. № 2 (24). C. 129–137. 22. Reay, David A. "Thermal energy storage: the role of the heat pipe in performance enhancement." International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 10.2 (2015): 99-109.
REFERENCES 1. Agyenim F., Eames P., Smyth M. Experimental study on the melting and solidification behaviour of a medium temperature phase change storage material (Erythritol) system augmented with fins to power a LiBr/H2O absorption cooling system // Renewable Energy. 2011. № 1 (36). C. 108–117. 2. Boo J. H., Lee S. K., Kim J. K. Numerical analysis of a thermal storage system with inserted heat pipes for medium-high temperature range 2011.C. 217–222. 3. Bouadila S. [и др.]. Energy and exergy analysis of a new solar air heater with latent storage energy // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014. № 27 (39). C. 15266–15274. 4. Bouadila S. [и др.]. Experimental investigation on the thermal appraisal of heat pipe-evacuated tube collector-based water heating system integrated with PCM // Renewable Energy. 2022. (199). C. 382–394. 5. Foong C. W. [и др.]. Numerical Study of a High Temperature Latent Heat Storage (200-300 0 C) Using Eutectic Nitrate Salt of Sodium Nitrate and Potassium Nitrate 2010. 6. Güney T. Solar energy, governance and CO2 emissions // Renewable Energy. 2022. (184). C. 791–798. 7. Hamada Y., Ohtsu W., Fukai J. Thermal response in thermal energy storage material around heat transfer tubes: effect of additives on heat transfer rates // Solar Energy. 2003. № 4 (75). C. 317–328. 8. Horbaniuc B., Dumitrascu G., Popescu A. Mathematical models for the study of solidification within a longitudinally finned heat pipe latent heat thermal storage system // Energy Conversion and Management. 1999. № 15 (40). C. 1765–1774. 9. Kamkari B., Shokouhmand H. Experimental investigation of phase change material melting in rectangular enclosures with horizontal partial fins // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014. (78). C. 839–851. 10. Li G. [и др.]. Solar energy utilisation: Current status and roll-out potential // Applied Thermal Engineering. 2022. (209). C. 118285. 11. Liu Z., Wang Z., Ma C. An experimental study on heat transfer characteristics of heat pipe heat exchanger with latent heat storage. Part I: Charging only and discharging only modes // Energy Conversion and Management. 2006. № 7 (47). C. 944–966. 12. Liu Z., Wang Z., Ma C. An experimental study on the heat transfer characteristics of a heat pipe heat exchanger with latent heat storage. Part II: Simultaneous charging/discharging modes // Energy Conversion and Management. 2006. № 7 (47). C. 967–991. 13. Mahdavi M. [и др.]. Experimental study of the thermal characteristics of a heat pipe // Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2018. (93). C. 292–304. 14. Nithyanandam K., Pitchumani R. Computational Modeling of Latent Thermal Energy Storage System With Embedded Heat Pipes American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection, 2012.C. 369–376. 15. Sargunanathan S., Elango A., Mohideen S. T. Performance enhancement of solar photovoltaic cells using effective cooling methods: A review // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2016. (64). C. 382–393. 16. Sarı A., Karaipekli A. Thermal conductivity and latent heat thermal energy storage characteristics of paraffin/expanded graphite composite as phase change material // Applied Thermal Engineering. 2007. № 8 (27). C. 1271–1277. 17. Sopian K. [и др.]. Performance of a double pass photovoltaic thermal solar collector suitable for solar drying systems // Energy Conversion and Management. 2000. № 4 (41). C. 353–365. 18. Tiari S., Mahdavi M., Qiu S. Experimental study of a latent heat thermal energy storage system assisted by a heat pipe network // Energy Conversion and Management. 2017. (153). C. 362–373. 19. Tiari S., Qiu S. Three-dimensional simulation of high temperature latent heat thermal energy storage system assisted by finned heat pipes // Energy Conversion and Management. 2015. (105). C. 260–271. 20. Tiari S., Qiu S., Mahdavi M. Numerical study of finned heat pipe-assisted thermal energy storage system with high temperature phase change material // Energy Conversion and Management. 2015. (89). C. 833–842. 21. Ukrainczyk N., Kurajica S., Šipušić J. Thermophysical Comparison of Five Commercial Paraffin Waxes as Latent Heat Storage Materials // Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly. 2010. № 2 (24). C. 129–137. 22. Reay, David A. "Thermal energy storage: the role of the heat pipe in performance enhancement." International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 10.2 (2015): 99-109.