Recommended rate constants of chemical reactions in an H₂-O₂ gas mixture with electronically excited species O₂ (1∆), O(1D), OH(2Σ) involved

The database of recommended rate constants of chemical reactions in an H₂-O₂ gas mixture with electronically excited species O₂(1∆), O(1D), OH(2Σ) involved is presented. Τhe chemical model includes dissociation, recombination, exchange and quenching reactions. The rate constants proposed are recommended for using for the temperature range Т = 500−2500 К in combustion problems. Both original experimental studies and well known reviews are used.

Volume 1, 2003 year

Рекомендуемые константы скорости химических реакций в газовой смеси H₂-O₂ с учетом электронно-возбужденных компонент O₂(1∆), O(1D), OH(2Σ)

Volume 1, 2003 year

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